Transaction Types


  • Description: Sets up and activates various functionalities within the TradeLayer ecosystem.There are multiple activations, each enabling a specific set of transactions. Once the finite activations are expended this transaction loses all power.

  • Parameters:

  • txTypeToActivate: The transaction type to be activated.
  • block: The block at which the activation takes place.


  • Description: Allows users to send tokens from one address to another.
  • Parameters:
  • sendAll: Boolean indicating if all tokens should be sent.
  • senderAddress: The address initiating the transaction.
  • recipientAddresses: Array of recipient addresses.
  • propertyIds: Array of token property IDs to be sent.
  • amounts: Array of amounts to be sent for each property.
  • block: The block in which the transaction occurs. --- ### Token Issue
  • Description: Issues a new token, which can be managed, fixed, or non-fungible.
  • Parameters:
  • sender: The address of the token issuer.
  • initialAmount: The total amount of the token at issuance.
  • ticker: The symbol of the token.
  • url: URL related to the token (optional).
  • whitelistId: The whitelist ID associated with the token.
  • isManaged: Boolean indicating if the token is managed.
  • backupAddress: An alternate address for token management.
  • isNFT: Boolean indicating if the token is non-fungible.
  • block: The block in which the transaction occurs.

Trade Token for UTXO

  • Description: Facilitates trading of a token in exchange for UTXOs.
  • Parameters:
  • senderAddress: The address sending the token.
  • satsPaymentAddress: The address receiving the Litecoin.
  • propertyId: The ID of the token being traded.
  • amount: The amount of tokens to be traded.
  • columnA: Boolean indicating which column is involved in the trade.
  • satsExpected: The expected amount in satoshis.
  • tokenDeliveryAddress: The address receiving the tokens.
  • satsReceived: The actual amount received in satoshis.
  • price: Price per token.
  • paymentPercent: The percentage of the payment.
  • block: The block number of the transaction.
  • txid: Transaction ID for reference.

Commit Token

  • Description: Commits tokens to a specific purpose, such as creating a reserve.
  • Parameters:
  • senderAddress: The address committing the tokens.
  • channelAddress: The address of the channel where tokens are committed.
  • propertyId: The ID of the property/token being committed.
  • amount: The amount being committed.

On-Chain Token-to-Token Trade

  • Description: Executes a token-to-token trade directly on-chain.
  • Parameters:
  • fromAddress: The address initiating the trade.
  • offeredPropertyId: The property ID being offered.
  • desiredPropertyId: The property ID desired in exchange.
  • amountOffered: The amount of the offered property.
  • amountExpected: The amount expected in return.
  • stop: Boolean indicating if this is a stop order.
  • post: Boolean indicating if this is a post-only order.

Cancel Order

  • Description: Cancels an existing order in the order book.
  • Parameters:
  • fromAddress: The address requesting the cancellation.
  • isContract: Boolean indicating if the order is for a contract.
  • offeredPropertyId: The offered property ID.
  • desiredPropertyId: The desired property ID.
  • cancelAll: Boolean indicating if all orders should be canceled.
  • cancelParams: Parameters for specific order cancellation.

Create Clear List

  • Description: Creates a new clear list with specific criteria.
  • Parameters:
  • adminAddress: The address of the admin managing the clear list.
  • name: The name of the clear list.- url: URL associated with the clear list.
  • description: Description of the clear list.
  • backupAddress: Backup admin address.

Update Admin

  • Description: Updates the admin address for tokens, oracles, or other entities.
  • Parameters:
  • whitelist: Boolean for updating a whitelist admin.
  • token: Boolean for updating a token admin.
  • oracle: Boolean for updating an oracle admin.
  • id: The ID of the entity to update.
  • newAddress: The new admin address.
  • updateBackup: Boolean indicating if the backup admin should also be updated.

Issue or Revoke Attestation

  • Description: Issues or revokes an attestation for an address.
  • Parameters:
  • clearlistId: The clear list ID.
  • targetAddress: The address for the attestation.
  • clearlistRegistry: The clear list registry.
  • metaData: Metadata for the attestation.
  • revoke: Boolean indicating if this is a revocation.

AMM Pool -

Description: Handles AMM (Automated Market Maker) pool actions like adding or redeeming capital.

  • Parameters:
  • sender: The sender's address.
  • block: The block number.
  • isRedeem: Boolean indicating if it's a redeem action.
  • isContract: Boolean indicating if the transaction involves a contract.
  • id: ID of the property or contract involved.
  • amount: Amount for the transaction.
  • id2: Secondary ID for pairs (optional).
  • amount2: Secondary amount (optional).

Grant Managed Token

  • Description: Grants managed tokens to a recipient.
  • Parameters:
  • propertyId: ID of the token property.
  • amount: The amount to grant.
  • recipientAddress: The recipient's address.
  • propertyManager: The property manager instance.

Redeem Managed Token

  • Description: Redeems managed tokens from an address.
  • Parameters: - propertyId: The property ID.
  • amount: Amount to redeem.
  • address: The address initiating the redemption.

Create Oracle

  • Description: Creates a new oracle with specific parameters.
  • Parameters:
  • adminAddress: Admin address for the oracle.
  • ticker: Ticker symbol for the oracle.- url: URL for the oracle.
  • backupAddress: Backup admin address.
  • clearlists: Clearlists associated with the oracle.
  • lag: Oracle data lag time.
  • oracleRegistry: Registry for oracles.

Publish Oracle Data

  • Description: Publishes data to an existing oracle.
  • Parameters:
    • oracleId: The ID of the oracle to publish data to.
    • price: The price data to publish.
    • high: The high value for the data period.
    • low: The low value for the data period.
    • close: The close value for the data period.

Close Oracle

  • Description: Closes an existing oracle, stopping further data publishing.
  • Parameters:
    • oracleId: The ID of the oracle to close.

Create Contract Series

  • Description: Creates a new futures contract series with parameters like leverage, collateral, and expiry.
  • Parameters:
    • sender: Address creating the series.
    • native: Boolean indicating if the contract is native.
    • underlyingOracleId: The ID of the underlying oracle for the contract.
    • onChainData: Data required for on-chain execution.
    • notionalPropertyId: Property ID for notional value.
    • notionalValue: The value for notional amount.
    • collateralPropertyId: Collateral property ID.
    • leverage: Leverage factor for the contract.
    • expiryPeriod: Expiry period of the contract.
    • series: Series identifier.
    • inverse: Boolean indicating if the contract is inverse.
    • fee: The transaction fee for the series.
    • block: The block when the series is created.
    • whitelist: Whitelist associated with the series.

Exercise Derivative

  • Description: Exercises an existing derivative contract.
  • Parameters:
    • contractId: The ID of the contract to exercise.
    • amount: The amount to exercise.
    • contractsRegistry: Registry instance for contracts.

Trade Contract On-Chain

  • Description: Executes an on-chain trade for a futures contract.
  • Parameters:
    • contractId: The ID of the contract being traded.
    • price: The price for the contract.
    • amount: The amount of the contract.
    • sell: Boolean indicating if the trade is a sell order.
    • insurance: Insurance details for the trade.
    • blockTime: Block timestamp.
    • txid: Transaction ID.
    • sender: Address executing the trade.
    • reduce: Boolean indicating if this is a reduce-only order.
    • post: Boolean indicating if this is a post-only order.
    • stop: Boolean indicating if this is a stop order.

Trade Contract Channel

  • Description: Executes a trade for a contract within a specified channel.
  • Parameters:
    • contractId: The ID of the contract being traded.
    • price: The price at which the contract is traded.
    • amount: The amount being traded.
    • columnAIsSeller: Boolean indicating if Column A is the seller.
    • expiryBlock: Expiry block for the contract.
    • insurance: Insurance details for the contract.
    • channelAddress: Address of the trading channel.

Trade Tokens Channel

  • Description: Facilitates token-to-token trade within a specific channel.
  • Parameters:
    • offeredPropertyId: The ID of the token being offered.
    • desiredPropertyId: The ID of the token being requested.
    • amountOffered: Amount of the offered token.
    • amountDesired: Amount of the desired token.
    • expiryBlock: Expiry block for the trade.
    • columnAIsOfferer: Boolean indicating if Column A is the offerer.
    • channelAddress: The address of the trading channel.


  • Description: Withdraws a specified amount of tokens from a channel.
  • Parameters:
    • withdrawAll: Boolean indicating if all tokens should be withdrawn.
    • channelAddress: Address of the channel.
    • propertyId: The property ID for the tokens being withdrawn.
    • amount: The amount to withdraw.
    • sender: The address initiating the withdrawal.
    • block: The block number when the withdrawal occurs.
    • columnIsB: Boolean indicating if Column B is involved in the withdrawal.


  • Description: Transfers tokens from one channel to another.
  • Parameters:
    • fromChannelAddress: The channel address initiating the transfer.
    • toChannelAddress: The destination channel address.
    • propertyId: The ID of the property being transferred.
    • amount: The amount to transfer.
    • isColumnA: Boolean indicating if Column A is the source column.
    • block: The block number when the transfer occurs.

Settle Channel PNL

  • Description: Settles profit and loss for a specific trading channel.
  • Parameters:
    • propertyId
    • amount
    • keepingTrade (boolean)
    • txId negated (base 94 encoded)
    • txId negated (if keepingTrade is false)
    • mark price (if keepingTrade is true)

Mint Synthetic

  • Description: Mints new synthetic tokens based on an existing property and contract.
  • Parameters:
    • address: Address to receive the synthetic tokens.
    • propertyId: The collateral property ID.
    • contractId: The contract ID.
    • amount: Amount of synthetic tokens to mint.
    • grossRequired: Gross amount required as collateral.
    • contracts: Number of contracts.
    • margin: Margin required for the transaction.

Redeem Synthetic

  • Description: Redeems synthetic tokens for the underlying collateral.
  • Parameters:
    • address: Address initiating the redemption.
    • propertyId: The ID of the synthetic token.
    • contractId: The associated contract ID.
    • amount: The amount to redeem.

Pay To Tokens

  • Description: Distributes one type of token to holders of another.
  • Parameters:
    • propertyIdTarget: ID of the target property.
    • propertyIdUsed: ID of the property used for payment.
    • amount: The total amount for distribution.
    • address: Address initiating the distribution.

Create Option Chain

  • Description: Creates an options chain with specified strike intervals and style.
  • Parameters:
    • seriesId: ID of the options series.
    • strikePercentInterval: Interval for strike prices.
    • expiryNumber: number of contracts in the series
    • expiryInterval: blocks between expirations for contracts in the series
    • isEuropeanStyle: Boolean indicating if the options are European style.

Trade Bai Urbun

  • Description: Facilitates an Islamic Bai Urbun trade within a channel.
  • Parameters:
    • channelAddress: Address of the trading channel.
    • propertyIdDownPayment: Property ID for the down payment.
    • propertyIdToBeSold: Property ID for the item to be sold.
    • downPaymentPercent: Down payment percentage.
    • amount: Total amount for the trade.
    • expiryBlock: Expiry block for the trade.
    • tradeExpiryBlock: Trade expiry block.

Trade Murabaha

  • Description: Executes a Murabaha trade where the cost and profit margin are predefined.
  • Parameters:
    • channelAddress: Address of the trading channel.
    • buyerAddress: Address of the buyer.
    • sellerAddress: Address of the seller.
    • propertyId: Property ID for the trade.
    • costPrice: Cost price for the goods.
    • profitMargin: Profit margin for the seller.
    • paymentBlockHeight: Block height for payment.

Issue Invoice

  • Description: Issues an invoice for a specified amount and due date.
  • Parameters:
    • propertyManager: The property manager instance.
    • invoiceRegistry: Registry instance for invoices.
    • propertyIdToReceivePayment: Property ID to receive payment.
    • amount: Amount for the invoice.
    • dueDateBlock: Due date block.
    • propertyIdCollateral: Collateral property ID (optional).
    • receivesPayToToken: Boolean for pay-to-token collateral.
    • issuerNonce: Nonce for the issuer.

Batch Move ZK Rollup

  • Description: Processes a batch of transactions using zero-knowledge rollups.
  • Parameters:
    • zkVerifier: Verifier for zero-knowledge proofs.
    • rollupData: Data for the rollup batch.
    • zkProof: Zero-knowledge proof for the rollup batch.

Publish New Tx

  • Description: Publishes a new transaction type with accompanying code.
  • Parameters:
    • ordinalRevealJSON: JSON data for the ordinal reveal.
    • jsCode: JavaScript code associated with the transaction.

Bind Smart Contract

  • Description: Tags the sender address as having keys controlled by
  • Parameters:
    • contractHash: identifier for the contract address on the foreign chain
    • controlledKeys: number of keys on the address controlled by the contract
    • thresholdKeys: number of signatures needed to sign a tx from this address (if multisig)
    • maximumKeys: maximum number of keys on the address (if multisig)
    • ordinalRevealCode: Code for the contract can be found in the witness data

Register and Redeem OP_CTV Covenant

  • Description: Registers or redeems an OP_CTV Covenant transaction.
  • Parameters: To be defined based on specific use case requirements.

Mint Colored Coin

  • Description: Mints a new colored coin with specific properties.
  • Parameters: To be defined based on specific use case requirements.

Last updated: [1082024]

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