Rest Endpoints


Description: Initializes the main processor.

  • Parameters:
    • test (boolean, optional) - For testing mode.
  • Response:
    • Success: Main process initialized successfully
    • Error: Error message if initialization fails.


Description: Validates a given address.

  • Parameters:
    • address (string) - The address to validate.
  • Response:
    • Success: Validation response object.
    • Error: Error message if validation fails.


Description: Retrieves transaction parameters based on the transaction ID.

  • Parameters:
    • txid (string) - The transaction ID.
  • Response:
    • Success: Transaction information object.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Determines the channel column based on the channel and counterparty addresses.

  • Parameters:
    • channelAddress (string) - The channel address.
    • cpAddress (string) - The counterparty address.
  • Response:
    • Success: Channel column information.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Loads the wallet.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Response:
    • Success: loading wallet
    • Error: Error message if wallet loading fails.


Description: Retrieves transactions associated with a specific address.

  • Parameters:
    • address (string) - The address to query.
  • Response:
    • Success: Array of transactions for the address.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves transactions associated with a specific block.

  • Parameters:
    • blockHeight (number) - The block height.
  • Response:
    • Success: Array of transactions for the block.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves the maximum processed block height.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Response:
    • Success: Maximum processed block height.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves the maximum parsed block height.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Response:
    • Success: Maximum parsed block height.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Pauses the main processor.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Response:
    • Success: Pause status.
    • Error: Error message if pausing fails.


Description: Retrieves all balances for a specific address.

  • Parameters:
    • params (string) - The address to query.
  • Response:
    • Success: Balances for the address.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves channel information for a given address.

  • Parameters:
    • params (string) - The address to query.
  • Response:
    • Success: Channel information or message if no channel is found.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

Example Response: ```json {"_id":"tltc1qa0kd2d39nmeph3hvcx8ytv65ztcywg5sazhtw8","data":{"participants":{"A":"","B":"tltc1qa0kd2d39nmeph3hvcx8ytv65ztcywg5sazhtw8"},"channel":"tltc1qa0kd2d39nmeph3hvcx8ytv65ztcywg5sazhtw8","commits":[{"senderAddress":"tltc1qa0kd2d39nmeph3hvcx8ytv65ztcywg5sazhtw8","propertyId":4,"tokenAmount":0.00001,"block":3348377,"columnAssigned":"B"},{"senderAddress":"tltc1qa0kd2d39nmeph3hvcx8ytv65ztcywg5sazhtw8","propertyId":4,"tokenAmount":0.00001,"block":3348528,"columnAssigned":"B"}],"A":{},"B":{"4":0},"lastCommitmentTime":3348528,"lastUsedColumn":"B"}}


### `/tl_createrawtx_opreturn`

**Description:** Adds an OP_RETURN to a transaction blob.

- **Parameters:**
  - `txHex` (string) - Transaction hex.
  - `payload` (string) - OP_RETURN payload.
- **Response:**
  - Success: Transaction with OP_RETURN added.
  - Error: Error message if creation fails.


### `/tl_getProperty`

**Description:** Retrieves property data based on property ID.

- **Parameters:**
  - `params` (string) - Property ID.
- **Response:**
  - Success: Property data.
  - Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

**Example Response:** ```json



Description: Lists all properties.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Response:
    • Success: Array of properties.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

Example Response: ```json



### `/tl_listFeeCache`

**Description:** Retrieves fee cache for all properties.

- **Parameters:** None.
- **Response:**
  - Success: Fee cache data.
  - Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

**Example Response:** ```json

{id:’feeCache’, value:[{id:1, amount:123432.2343},{id:5,amount: 343.23}]


Description: Retrieves fee cache for a specific property.

  • Parameters:
    • id (string) - Property ID.
  • Response:
    • Success: Fee cache data for the property.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

Example Response: ```json

{id:5,amount: 343.23}


### `/tl_getActivations`

**Description:** Retrieves the list of activations.

- **Parameters:** None.
- **Response:**
  - Success: Array of activations.
  - Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


### `/tl_getOrderbook`

**Description:** Retrieves the order book for a given property pair.

- **Parameters:**
  - `propertyId1` (number) - First property ID.
  - `propertyId2` (number) - Second property ID.
- **Response:**
  - Success: Order book data.
  - Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


### `/tl_getContractOrderbook`

**Description:** Retrieves the contract order book.

- **Parameters:**
  - `contractId` (number) - Contract ID.
- **Response:**
  - Success: Contract order book data.
  - Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


### `/tl_listContractSeries`

**Description:** Lists series for a specific contract.

- **Parameters:**
  - `contractId` (number) - Contract ID.
- **Response:**
  - Success: Array of contract series.
  - Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

**Example Response:** ```json



Description: Lists all oracles.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Response:
    • Success: Array of oracles.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Lists all clearLists.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Response:
    • Success: Array of clearlists.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

Example Response: ```json

{"_id":1,"data":{"name":"Market Maker Whitelist","description":"Market Makers and active traders who do not wash trade."}}


### `/tl_showClearlist`

**Description:** Lists all clearLists.

- **Parameters:** id
- **Response:**
  - Success: Array of clearlists.
  - Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

**Example Response:** ```json

{"_id":1,"data":{"name":"Market Maker Whitelist","description":"Market Makers and active traders who do not wash trade."}}


Description: Retrieves the contract position for a given address and contract ID.

  • Parameters:
    • address (string) - Address to query.
    • contractId (number) - Contract ID.
  • Response:
    • Success: Contract position data.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves the trade history for a given property pair.

  • Parameters:
    • propertyId1 (number) - First property ID.
    • propertyId2 (number) - Second property ID.
  • Response:
    • Success: Trade history data.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

Example Response: ```json

{"_id":"token-1-0-cbd88a9b-e324-458d-ada8-26be4c57becf-3395569","key":"token-1-0","type":"token","trade":{"offeredPropertyId":1,"desiredPropertyId":0,"amountOffered":1e-8,"amountExpected":1000000},"blockHeight":3395569,"txid":"c59fd0a35bc93979133cda1ae86c235428112c153fbdabed2cbc7ea86e60543f"} ```


Description: Retrieves the initial margin for a contract based on price.

  • Parameters:
    • contractId (number) - Contract ID.
    • price (number) - Price of the contract.
  • Response:
    • Success: Returns a number for the amount of collateral id needed at the given price to margin 1 contract..
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves trade history for a specific contract.

  • Parameters:
    • contractId (number) - Contract ID.
  • Response:
    • Success: Contract trade history data.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves funding history for a specific contract.

  • Parameters:
    • contractId (number) - Contract ID.
  • Response:
    • Success: Funding history data.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.


Description: Retrieves oracle history for a specific contract.

  • Parameters:
    • contractId (number) - Contract ID.
  • Response:
    • Success: Oracle history data.
    • Error: Error message if retrieval fails.

Last updated: [1082024]

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